Happy due date, Marco!
3 months (almost), 5 days adjusted.
What we thought would be a truly amazing Independence Day with Marco, was in reality just another day in the NICU. Baby boy is 8pds, 8oz of snuggly goodness, but despite hitting his due date, he still can’t join us at home because he hasn’t mastered eating.
Thankfully, he seems to be getting better each day at sucking/swallowing so we may be able to bring him home soon! I'm trying to manage my expectations and keep 3-4 weeks in my head, so that I'm not super disappointed if he doesn't come home earlier - but hearing from the nurse practitioner (NP) that it could be earlier, potentially 2 weeks, was such an amazing, amazing, amazing feeling. First time in a while that I've been able to see the end.
Eating update:
We did an eating X-ray this past week and it went well. Saw minimal aspiration, which means the milk is going where it should. They also learned Marco does much better with faster flow nipples (easier to get milk, takes less energy to suck), which was surprising to the docs and will hopefully be a game changer. Plus, they decided to thicken his milk with special, dairy-based, reflux formula (now that he's good with dairy again - more on that below!) With the thickened milk and faster flow nipple, he did really well with his feeds the past couple of days - finished his whole bottle two feeds in a row, which is such great news. That is what led the NP to suggest we may go home earlier.
Mama’s eating dairy again! For the past week we’ve been giving Marco my old milk- pre dairy exclusion- and he’s tolerated it well! The docs don’t seem concerned at all, so I’m letting lose! Whoo hoo! Here's hoping he remains healthy and I can say buh bye to the dairy-free, soy-free life.
Another thing that may hold us back from coming home are the periodic events Marco continues to have. Reminder: events are when his breathing stops (apnea) and he cannot quickly fix it himself. He had two last night and they had to intervene to help him breath - which is so scary. Before we can come home he has to be clear of any events for at least a week - so we'll see how it goes.
That's all for now - here are some pics:
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