3 months. 4 weeks, adjusted. Here we go again. I was so naive to think Marco would come home and be completely healthy. After almost 2 weeks at home, 2 doc visits, 2 eating/speech therapist sessions, and 1 overnight ER stint for a false alarm wheezing situation, Marco went on a hunger strike. Back to the hospital we go. I suppose it isn’t truly readmission, as we are now at a different children’s hospital near our home, instead of the NICU… but close enough. He was doing well the first week. Eating, sleeping and gaining weight as he should. He had a little trouble with the bottle (some signs of distress like gulping, poor latch, wheezing) - nothing so bad that it prevented eating, however it was still recommended that we see a speech therapist who specializes in all things swallowing/throat/etc. with the goal of helping Marco improve his skills - suck, swallow, breathe. At first I was super skeptical - he was gaining weight, he was peeing, he was eating (messily, but eating). He was a ...