10 Weeks, 38 Adjusted

I'm a few days behind on my update this week - perhaps it was because this past week wasn't the greatest. It wasn't horrible, but not good either. Thankfully, we did get some good news over the weekend to counterbalance the cruddy news over the week.

Let's start with the good: Our 6pd boy (!) may be able to wean off all breathing support this week! He had a strong day on Saturday in which he had no dsats (decrease in oxygen saturation). If he has two more good days in a row they are going to either lower him down to a level 1 oxygen flow or remove it all together - depending on the doctor. We'll find out today. Super exciting! [UPDATE - as I wrote this, I received a call that they took him off oxygen! Here's hoping he holds strong]

Now the not so great:

1. He's not doing too well when it comes to oral feeding. It continues to be a struggle for him - so much so that they decided to give him a few days off and let him rest, to avoid him gaining a negative association with feeding time. They'll try again today I think. This actually worked out for me as I cheated hard core on my non-dairy diet last week... twice... and wouldn't be able to breast feed anyway. My wonderful coworkers threw me a baby shower and I couldn't say no to the pizza, cupcakes and candy. Shrug. I've got loads of frozen milk for them to use. Overall - not horrible news, just not great.

2. He has hypospadias - which is a fancy term for a misaligned urethra - which is a fancy way of saying his pee hole is slightly off centered. Don't look it up - that makes it seem worse than it is. From what they've told me it isn't a big deal and it wont have any long term affects. The only real downside (as of now) is that we have to wait until discharge to have him circumcised as we have to go to a specialist. I just hope it doesn't develop into anything. Again, not horrible news, just not great.

3. He also has a hernia in his groin. As of now it is small and doesn't seem to be causing pain, but if it doesn't go away on its own (which it most likely wont), he'll need to have surgery post discharge. I hate the idea of my little boy going through surgery - but they've assured me it is nothing to worry about. Once more - not horrible news, just not great.

Hoping we have a better week this week and I'll have a super positive update to share on Friday!


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