
Showing posts from April, 2023

2 Years Old

I cant believe my baby boy is 2 years old! He certainly does not seem like a 2-year old and I’m ok with that. We really don't see a lot of other kids his age so I don’t have a daily reminder of how far behind he is. I know he is, but it doesn’t feel that way on a regular basis. He just feels like Marco. Except for big milestones, like a 2nd birthday when I realize just how delayed he really is. I’ve been saying he’s about 6 months delayed - if you take into account his prematurity, he’s around 21 months, less 6 months delayed, that’s around 15 months - which is roughly accurate for where he is developmentally.  Physically: We've got a toddler! Just this past week or so he's started to do a standard toddler beginner walk: falling when startled or changing direction or when he gets excited, etc. - so really close. He took his first steps around mid-January. My other boys went quickly from first steps to walking, but not surprised Marco is taking a bit longer. Almost there tho...