One year!
Unbelievably, Marco is one year old (9 months adjusted)! Unbelievable, not because of the passage of time (which always seems to amaze) but because in most ways that matter Marco is nowhere close to the behavior of a 1 year old kid. In fact, I think the only thing that is “one year” about him is his weight - 81st percentile compared to others his age. My crazy-happy and easy-going baby is doing so well in so many ways - observant, joyful, social - but, heartbreakingly, the gap between Marco and typical development seems to be steadily increasing. First, the good - no, the amazing. Marco is by far the happiest and easiest of my babies. That is saying a lot, because my second was SO happy. He sleeps like an angel and only cries when he has poop in his diaper, wakes up alone from a day nap or we forgot to feed him (which has only happened a handful of times… but still - 3rd baby syndrome!) He loves any kind of attention, gives everyone the biggest smiles and makes the sweetest giggle...